How to Apply
Who I teach
Individuals aged 18+ who:
• Are interested in learning English.
• Are doing a course or work in England and their first
language is not English.
The Application process
1. Fill in the application form by clicking on ‘Book FREE Lesson!’
2. I will contact you to arrange a free, 60 minute trial lesson. The purpose of this is:
• To introduce ourselves.
• So you can have a trial lesson.
• So you can ask me any course
related questions.
• So I can ask you about your learning
3. I will contact you to ask if you would
like to start lessons.
4. If you choose to start lessons, I will
send you an invoice for the pre-course
5. Pay.
6. Complete the pre-course test I send
you and send it back to me. (Please do
this test on your own/by yourself for
me to analyse your language skills
7. I will contact you with the result of the
test and advise you which level course
to start with.
8. Respond to my email with two
• Confirming your commitment to
the course.
• Whether you would like to pay per
lesson or per course. (If you would
like to do more than one course,
please specify how many.)
9. I will send you an invoice for the lesson
or course/s.
10. Pay.
11. I will contact you to arrange the first