How to Apply

Who I teach
Individuals aged 18+ who: 
Are interested in learning English.
Are doing a course or work in England and their first
  language is not English. 

The Application process
1. Fill in the application form by clicking on ‘Book FREE Lesson!’
2. I will contact you to arrange a free, 60 minute trial lesson. The purpose of this is: 
       To introduce ourselves.
       • So you can have a trial lesson.
       • So you can ask me any course 
         related questions.
       • So I can ask you about your learning
3. I will contact you to ask if you would 
    like to start lessons.
4. If you choose to start lessons, I will
    send you an invoice for the pre-course
5. Pay.
6. Complete the pre-course test I send
    you and send it back to me. (Please do
    this test on your own/by yourself for
    me to analyse your language skills
7. I will contact you with the result of the
   test and advise you which level course
   to start with.
8. Respond to my email with two
        Confirming your commitment to
           the course.
        Whether you would like to pay per
           lesson or per course. (If you would 
           like to do more than one course,
           please specify how many.) 
9. I will send you an invoice for the lesson
    or course/s.
10. Pay.
11. I will contact you to arrange the first

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Course Prices