About My Lessons
What I teach
• General English: Speaking, listening, reading and writing (beginner to advanced learners).
• Professional English language and skills (for advanced English language learners).
Where I teach: Online.
My lesson aims – for every lesson, I ensure:
1. You feel welcomed, relaxed, comfortable
and ready to learn.
2. You know what the learning objective(s)
and outcome(s) are.
3. You can see the evidence of your
progress and/or any areas you need to
improve on.
4. You understand what work you need to
do in preparation for next lesson.
At the end of each course
Rewards – I provide my students with a certificate of achievement when they complete a course.
Feedback from student to teacher – at the end of each course, I offer the opportunity to give feedback on my teaching. However, I welcome any feedback during the lesson or course as well.
Feedback from teacher to student – at the end of each course, I provide students with feedback, informing them of their overall strengths and areas to improve. Of course, I will be providing this throughout the course as well.
For more information – for more information about the courses, please press on the button at the bottom of the page: ‘Courses’.