
Read what my students say about my teaching

Julia Fetz, Switzerland

Noorah helped me to practice my writing skills. The goal of the exercises was to pass an exam for the teacher training course I am attending. Fortunately I passed it with the help of Noorah. She assisted my improvements in linguistic expressions, grammar and vocabulary. The cooperation was relaxed and her tips and tricks helped me to reach my goal. I was very happy about the short time she had to correct my essays. I was rather late to ask her but she corrected my texts in no time. The way she corrected my essays and other sorts of texts was clear and well understandable. I am very happy to have asked her for help. Thank you Noorah!

Noorah half mir, meine schreibkompetenz im Englisch zu verbessern. Mein Ziel war es, eine Englischprufung zu bestehen, welche ich fur mein Studium zur Primarlehrperson schreiben musste. Glucklicherweise habe ich die Prufung bestanden – sicher auch dank der Hilfe von Noorah. Sie unterstutzte mich in der Verbesserung von sprachlichem Ausdruck, Grammatik und Wortschatz. Die Zusammenarbeit funktionierte sehr gut. Ich fuhlte mich gut aufgehoben. Sie war sehr schnell im Korrigieren meiner Aufsatze. Auch ihre Korrekturen waren nachvollziehbar. I bin froh daruber, die Entscheidung getroffen zu habe, bei ihr Hilfe zu holen. Vielen Dank Noorah!

Kareemah Alshawish, Lybia 

I am kareemah Alshawish. I am form Libya and I am currently MA student at Aston university 2022-2023. I am really pleased to have the opportunity to meet Miss, Nourah during my master studies in the UK. Miss Nourh has such great and compassionate personality. She owns all the needed aspects to be good English teacher. I have been taught by Miss Nourh for nearly 10 online sessions. I got all the desired benefits and goaled outcomes. The special about her is she will design classes just according to your needs. only tell her what you want to improve, and she well prepare the material according to your needs. Miss Nourah is effective, brilliant and such supportive teacher. Her lessons are well covered, straight to the point and suitable to your needs. She is very flexible and understanding person. Honestly, I recommend all to book sessions with her as she deserves five stars as rate without any doubts . Thanks, Miss Nourh, for everything.  

Marta Dalf, Italy

Noorah is a phenomenal and competent teacher. We trained my speaking and writing skills together to make me reach the English level C1. She always puts a lot of effort into corrections and offers you different ways to say things in a better way. Moreover, she is always very direct and polite in expressing her ideas. It was a pleasure for me to have her as a teacher because she always encouraged me and made me feel able to achieve my goal.

Gehane Fathi, Egypt

Noorah’s lessons were clear and helped me to talk English easily. She helped me to have self confidence and speak English fluently.