About Me
Who I am
• My name is Noorah El-Bay and I have dual nationality: Egyptian and British.
• I am a native British English speaker and have grown up in the UK. I have also spent a lot of time in Egypt with family.
• My second language is Egyptian Arabic (and a little classical Arabic) and I have also studied French.
• I have friends from all around the world including Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
• I have taken part in and arranged many multicultural events.
• I have travelled to the Middle East, Europe and America and hope to visit Asia.
My Qualifications and Experiences
• I am an internationally qualified and
experienced English Language teacher
with a Cambridge University certificate
• I have a PGCE with Qualified Teacher
Status (QTS).
• I have certificates in, and experience
working with individuals with Special
Educational Needs (SEN).
My Teaching Approach
• My first aim at the start of every lesson
is to ensure my students feel welcomed
and comfortable, appreciated and
respected as an individual learner as I
believe a positive rapport between
teacher and student is vital for the
teaching and learning process.
• I then make sure that my students know
what the objective(s) and outcome(s) are
for that lesson, with their learning aims in
mind and continue the lesson
accordingly. I also check that my
students have achieved those
objectives by the end of each lesson so
there is a mutual sense of progress for
both teacher and student.
• I am confident in my approach to
English language teaching as well as
being open to improvements. To reflect
this, I offer the opportunity for my
students to give me feedback on my
lessons and in turn, respond to the
feedback appropriately.
• If you would like English lessons and are
prepared to work hard, please book a
free trial lesson with me and I look
forward to helping you to achieve your
English language learning goal(s).